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Permaculture Institute
Founded in 1997 as the sister organization to the Permaculture Institute of Australia, the Permaculture Institute is one of the leading permaculture educational institution in the US. Our mission is to promote sustainable living skills through education, networking and demonstration projects. We facilitate networking among permaculture groups and projects in NM/Southwestern region and beyond. Our website is full of practical information on plant guilds, backyard animal husbandry, gardening in the nature's image, water harvesting and community building.
Country United States Region NM, CO, AZ, CA, UT, NE, TX
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsAgroforestryFarmingUrban PermaculturePermaculture DesignWater/WetlandsWildlife/ConservationBio-diversityDrylandsPondsBee plantsGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingOther Green GroupsLocal FoodClimate ChangeEnvironmentRun CoursesVolunteeringJournal/NewsletterNetworkingTrainingConsultancyTalksPhoto GallerysDirectories/ListingsBlogsNon Profit Groups

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.